There is more to a board meeting than what happens in the boardroom

Plan, collaborate and understand how to get the best out of your Board members,
in the nicest possible way.

Whether you are writing a paper for a meeting or attending as a director – understanding what goes into preparing a meeting will give you a better insight of what is you.

Board Meeting Tools


Most frequent questions and answers

The frequency of board meetings will be outlined in the board charter. 

Generally meetings are held at the Head Office. If the company has multiple intrastate, interstate or international interests or offices, the meeting venues may rotate periodically.  The expense of relocating directors and executives for meetings other than the Head Office need to be considered and included in the board budget.

The Company Secretary will draft the Board Meeting Agenda with final Agenda will be approved by the Chair. The full board should contribute to and approve the Annual Agenda.

Angela Wilson

board coordinator

“I have a passion for making board meeting processes more efficient and effective.