Chatham House Rule - What does it mean?

Invitations to an event with the words “Chatham House Rules apply”, indicates that openness and sharing of information is encouraged.
When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any participant, may be revealed.
There is no requirement to have an affiliation to Chatham House to use the Rule, it is an international recognised rule.
The Rule allows attendees to express their views at an event, which are their own and not on behalf of the organisation they represent. The content of these views can be shared externally but not attributed to an individual or organisation.
It does not mean that what is said in the room cannot be discussed outside of the room, information can be shared but the source remains confidential. Keeping the attendance list confidential and no minutes or notes being taken could be wise.
Whilst the Rule is not legally binding, breaking the Rule could damage your reputation, and you may find your name not making it on future invitation lists.
For more information: Chatham House Rules